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Features | Integrations

Live Chat Magento Integration

Comm100’s live chat Magento integration combines the power of live chat with real-time data from your Magento store, helping you deliver more personalized service and sell more.

Comm100 Magento integration

Access Magento Customer Information from the Comm100 Agent Console

No more switching screens or using multiple systems to access customer data. View shopping cart contents, order history and contact information right next to your chats. Every detail needed to provide tailored help and sales to customers is at your fingertips with this live chat Magento integration.


Real-Time Monitoring and Notifications

See every action your visitors take within your Magento store in real time with Comm100’s live chat Magento integration. Agents can get notifications when a new item has been added to a visitor’s shopping cart, helping to identify relevant offers and cross-sell opportunities at the exact moment your visitor is ready to become a customer.

Comm100 Magento integration

Promote Products through Live Chat

It’s easy to send a specific product to your customers during chat – product details are saved within our system and can be viewed and sent with a single click. It’s not necessary to leave your chat or access other different systems, as your in-built product details allow you to upsell, cross-sell and promote with ease.

Retail Ecommerce Decrease Cart Abandonment

Be Your Customer’s Personal Shopper

Take customer support one step further while chatting by placing desired items directly into the shopping cart. Now you can ensure that your customers get exactly what they’re looking for.

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