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The State of Automated Customer Service in 2023
January 11th, 2023 | Customer Service
The State of Automated Customer Service in 2023 Competition is at an all-time high. In 2022, 59% of companies surveyed agreed that their markets + Read More
5 Costly Impacts of Falling Behind on Digital Student Engagement
December 7th, 2022 | Higher Education, Live Chat

Todays’ students expect a lot from their university or college, and so they should. The average cost of tuition and fees to attend + Read More

The 4 Most Effective Chatbot Examples
December 7th, 2022 | Chatbot

Customer service is always changing, and there’s no better symbol of the shift in today’s customer service than chatbots. The technology driving chatbots + Read More

Higher education must improve agent experience to ever deliver excellent student experience
December 1st, 2022 | Higher Education

Investment into higher education customer experience (CX) is growing – and growing rapidly. The question is, are these resources being optimally allocated? For + Read More

Top 5 Higher Education Customer Service Trends for 2023
November 28th, 2022 | Customer Service, Higher Education

Colleges and universities often find themselves pulled between tradition and innovation. Since the COVID-19 pandemic first forced an experiment in remote learning, student + Read More

How CCaaS Providers are Increasing Customer Value with Digital-First Partnerships
November 15th, 2022 | Contact Center, Omnichannel

There’s no doubt that telephone remains a stalwart customer service channel. Many consumers still prefer to call companies for support, particularly when the + Read More

The Future Contact Centre – How CCaaS Providers Can Deliver Digital with a Single Partnership
November 15th, 2022 | Contact Center, Omnichannel

As customer service operations continue to digitalize, CCaaS providers are quickly recognizing that a telephone-only offering is restricting customer base and growth. As + Read More

Why are Contact Centres Adopting a Digital-First Strategy?
November 15th, 2022 | Contact Center

The importance of customer service cannot be understated. It is the third highest reason why consumers switch brands, only sitting behind better deals + Read More

The Top 4 Challenges Facing Higher Education IT Departments
November 15th, 2022 | Higher Education

It’s an exciting but challenging time for IT departments in higher education. The introduction of new technologies into education is rapidly improving the + Read More

How to Improve Student Support Services
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service, Higher Education
How to Improve Student Support Services in Higher Ed The importance of student support services Today’s students are CX-indulged. Thanks to + Read More
How to Improve Customer Service – A Complete Guide of Tools, Tech & Tips
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service
How to Improve Customer Service A Complete Guide of Tools, Tech & Tips We all know that customer service is important, but just how instrumental + Read More
A Comprehensive Guide to Live Chat Software
November 13th, 2022 | Live Chat
A Comprehensive Live Chat Software Guide for Customer Service Customer service expectations have never been higher. Thanks to the development of + Read More
A Comprehensive Guide to Chatbot Software
November 13th, 2022 | Chatbot
A Comprehensive Guide to Chatbot Apps In 2020, the North America chatbot software market was valued at $182 million. Fast forward to 2025 and it’s + Read More
A Complete Guide to Omnichannel Customer Service
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service, Omnichannel
A Complete Guide to Omnichannel Customer Support The state of customer service is always changing, and brands must keep up. While offering just + Read More
A Complete Guide to Improving Customer Service in Government [with Best Practices & Use Cases]
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service
A Complete Guide to Improving Customer Service in Government with Best Practices & Use Cases The gap between customer service in the public + Read More
How to Improve Credit Union Member Engagement
November 13th, 2022 | Customer Service
How to Improve Credit Union Member Engagement There is no doubt that many consumers look to credit unions for lower fees and higher savings rates, + Read More
The Essential Chatbot Success Metrics
November 2nd, 2022 | Chatbot

Chatbots have steadily grown in popularity to become a key component of customer service today.  With an AI chatbot in place, organizations can + Read More

5 Customer Service Best Practices Every Successful Team Follows
October 26th, 2022 | Customer Service

To improve customer service, there’s only one place every company should start – meeting customers’ expectations. Today’s consumers have ever-changing and ever-rising customer + Read More