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How to Increase Player Engagement – 4 Loyalty Strategies

While every gambling platform faces distinct and different challenges, there’s one challenge that every site faces – how to increase player engagement. While attracting new players is essential, encouraging them to stay engaged and spending is the real game-changer. 

We’ve delved deep into the industry’s dynamics to provide four strategies that not only captivate players, but ensure they’re engaged, satisfied, and returning for more. If you want to dig deeper into this topic and learn how to adopt these strategies, check out our full guide: 

Mastering Player Loyalty: 4 Strategies to Increase Engagement in Online Gambling

Mastering Player Loyalty: 4 Strategies to Increase Engagement in Online Gambling

Discover the art and science behind fostering unwavering player loyalty and increasing player engagement in today’s competitive, demanding, digital age.

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1. The power of instantaneous support 

In our hyper-connected world, immediacy isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity. Today’s players expect instantaneous solutions, especially when they’re in the middle of a high-stakes game. An unresolved issue can easily spiral into a lost player. 

That’s where live chat comes into play. Offering players an immediate lifeline, live chat ensures that problems are addressed in real-time so the player receives an immediate resolution to their issue and doesn’t bounce. 

2. The rise of chatbots: 24/7 support 

Imagine offering players a support assistant that never sleeps, never takes a break, and is available round the clock. Sounds dreamy, right? Welcome to the world of chatbots. While live chat ensures real-time solutions, chatbots guarantee even faster support that is 24/7. 

With players scattered across various time zones, this round-the-clock availability is a game-changer. If you’re wondering how to increase player engagement in the fastest and most effective way, automation is the answer. 

3. Personalization: The new ace 

Personalization is more than just addressing a player by their first name. In the cluttered online gambling space, tailoring experiences can be the difference between a one-time visitor and a loyal player. By combining AI-powered automation and player data, platforms can now offer experiences that resonate with individual preferences and encourage them to engage. 

4. Omnichannel communication for seamless experiences 

Players don’t just stick to one mode of communication. One day it’s email, the next it’s live chat, and sometimes it’s social media. The challenge is ensuring you can offer a consistent and seamless experience across every channel. The solution? Omnichannel communication. 

By connecting very channel and the data within them into one console (including live chat, bots, email, SMS, and social media), omnichannel platforms ensure the agent has all player’s previous conversation history and data to hand so they can seamlessly pick up the conversation. 


The online gambling industry is evolving, with player expectations reshaping the way platforms operate. While we’ve offered a glimpse into the strategies that can help increase player engagement, the full guide below dives much deeper. Packed with actionable strategies, real-world examples, and industry insights, our guide is a must-read for anyone serious about mastering player loyalty in online gambling. Learn how to increase player engagement today!

Mastering Player Loyalty: 4 Strategies to Increase Engagement in Online Gambling

Mastering Player Loyalty: 4 Strategies to Increase Engagement in Online Gambling

Discover the art and science behind fostering unwavering player loyalty and increasing player engagement in today’s competitive, demanding, digital age.

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Kate Rogerson

About Kate Rogerson

Kate is the Content Marketing Manager at Comm100. She has extensive experience in content creation for technology companies across the world, including the UK, Australia and Canada. She specializes in B2B messaging, branding and soccer trivia.