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5 Reasons Why You Should White Label Live Chat

Live chat is helping companies in the customer engagement field improve their customer service, but what about white labeling it? 

Statistics show that approximately 75% of people prefer live chat to other communication channels –making it one of the best communication platforms available.  

Live chat enables companies to provide real-time feedback to customers, offering a quick and easy way to engage, and enhance customer satisfaction ratings. 

By white labeling live chat, you’ll instantly gain access to new technology and earn additional revenue without incurring the cost and time to develop it –all while keeping control of your brand. Let’s dive in.    

What is live chat?

Live chat is a communication app that allows you and visitors on your site to communicate online in real-time. It serves as a great alternative to phone calls, emails, or text messaging. Live chat takes place inside a chatbox, which exists on your site as part of the live chat app. 

Your site visitors don’t have to install an app on their devices or sign up for a service to participate and engage. They will see a widget conveniently positioned on the lower corner of your website, and they can start chatting with you instantly. 

White labeling live chat

If you are here, you are probably familiar with white labeling. As a quick refresher, white label is where companies sell products without featuring their company brand. If you are the one partnering with a company as a white label, you can wrap your branding around the product, often integrating your own features to create extra value. 

White labeling live chat allows you to customize and use the product as your own, and resell it to your clients for extra profit –or enrich your current product offering to add more value for your customers. 

5 reasons to white label live chat

White labeling live chat comes with a list of benefits. Here are the top five: 

1. Encourages customer loyalty

It’s essential to build a solid relationship with your customers. By anticipating your customer’s needs and meeting them where they are at, you provide a satisfactory customer experience. In turn, you encourage customer loyalty. 

Live chat is a channel with one of the highest customer satisfaction rates – 92% to be exact. By both providing a live chat option to your clients, and integrating it with your technology, you gain a competitive edge with higher customer satisfaction.  

2. Adds value to your services

One way or another, most white label services integrate with your existing offering. By white labeling live chat, you instantly add value to your services, and you become more appealing to prospective clients.

This gives you a unique strategy to help your brand stand out in a highly competitive space. Plus, it won’t look like you are offering a product someone else created. Thanks to the nature of white labeling, the live chat platform carries your branding, messaging, and style. 

3. Creates opportunity for additional revenue

When your business leverages a white-labeled solution, it means that it can cut down on resource and overhead expenses incurred in initial development. As more companies seek live chat solutions, they want reliable providers. This is where you come in as a white label live chat provider. You can seamlessly fill this gap in the market, and with each sale, you’ll generate new income for your business. 

Having this solution in your company also reduces operational costs and increases your savings. Employing full-time workers to maintain your live chat 24/7 is costly for business operations. 

Instead, by opting for a white label solution, you’ll gain the product support and the resources you need. You can cut out the overwhelming operational expenses and save a considerable amount of money – while also making money from sales. 

4. Saves you time and money

To develop an in-house solution, you have to invest considerable time, technical expertise, and research to create a feature that provides the best customer experience. And that doesn’t factor in maintenance and ensuring seamless integration –at the end of the day, you might find yourself with a less-than-perfect product. 

White labeling live chat takes all the hard work out of the equation. You can enjoy the benefits of a custom-made live chat platform, without the trial and error of custom-building. 

5. Increases your sales

With the value live chat adds to your offerings, you can charge more for your solution. And, live chat positions your company as more attractive compared to your competitors in the customer engagement field.

Plus, with each sale, you’ll gain additional revenue from the company you are white labeling.

Find the best live chat provider for you

Offering live chat is an easy way to add value to your product and increase customer satisfaction. It’s not only a good business strategy for you, but it is ideal for your clients as well. 

If you are interested in learning more about white labeling live chat software, contact Comm100, the leading global provider of digital omnichannel customer engagement solutions. 

Kate Rogerson

About Kate Rogerson

Kate is the Content Marketing Manager at Comm100. She has extensive experience in content creation for technology companies across the world, including the UK, Australia and Canada. She specializes in B2B messaging, branding and soccer trivia.