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Chat did that! and Now You can Prove it with Chattribution

Live chat grows up

Once an experiment in online engagement, live chat has matured to be a proven digital engagement channel driving sales, conversions, and better customer service. By 2022, over 85% of companies will offer some form of live chat on their website or on mobile devices to interact with their customers.

What if you could connect your live chat service to actual revenue? What if you could not only help fill and check out shopping carts via live chat, but also reveal precisely how much live chat contributed to the top line? Cue chat attribution or “chattribution” – the ability to connect your live chat to results and get credit where credit is due.

Tracking campaign conversion through chattribution

There isn’t a marketer on earth that doesn’t obsess about website traffic and conversions. “How do we get the right people here and how can we get them to convert?” is a daily debate. Live chat empowers marketers to create powerful proactive campaigns while chattribution shows what works.

With proactive invitations, chat invites can be triggered automatically or manually based on custom criteria – capturing leads at just the right place and time in the buyer’s journey. Chattribution gives visibility into each conversion so you can create campaigns that drive them down the funnel faster.

In Google Analytics, chattribution is defined by events contributing to conversion goals set by your business. A powerful live chat/CRM integration paints a clearer picture of your web visitors so you can see every touchpoint of the customer journey pre- and post-chat. Marketing campaigns that drive results are crystal clear with data from this integration – providing visibility into live chat’s impact on business goals.

An enterprise-grade live chat application should offer robust reporting capabilities that include its own chat conversion reporting. This powerful insight gives organizations the ability to set clear, measurable business goals – like content downloads, shopping cart checkouts, or new membership registrations – and track against them.

Driving results and proving impact

You’ve got products that need to go from catalog to cart to purchase. One false move along that path and dollars disappear. Understanding the customer journey on your website is the key to driving conversions. Live chat is one of the easiest ways to plug into the buyer’s journey, answer questions and remove all hesitation – creating a fast track to the shopping cart.

Live chat brings a wealth of customer data while chattribution puts it into perspective with business goals. The pre-chat survey collects contact information, chat transcripts give powerful sales insights, and the post-chat survey gathers feedback. Data quality, not quantity, is key in driving results. Attributing your chats to revenue goals can show you where the true tier-A leads are coming from and how you can drive them to convert.

Chattribution identifies visits from specific companies, how they landed on your site, and which became leads. Days of tracking vanity metrics like page views are over, actual pipeline and revenue metrics are here to stay. Users rarely follow a straight path from click to purchase, but you can nudge them in the right direction with data from chattribution.

“Show me the money” is often the only success metric that matters. With an enterprise grade live chat solution, you can set up conversion touchpoints that allow you to report on how many site visitors took a specific action following a chat session. You can track everything from free trials or demos, to onsite purchases and upsells through increased shopping cart value. Whatever matters to you, chattribution can get you there.

Bringing efficiency, convenience and better decision-making to your business

Today’s marketers have to be fiercely focused on driving measurable results. That implies being able to track – and prove – the impact of every campaign and every tactic. That’s why data-driven solutions are so important: marketing technology must deliver a positive return on investment, or perhaps those dollars are better spent elsewhere.

According to Gartner, live chat is a key engagement channel and a pillar of any organization’s digital customer engagement and marketing strategy. When you apply the principles of chattribution outlined here, you’ll deliver a better customer experience while also proving the impact that your investment in live chat is having on your business.

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Jeff Epstein

About Jeff Epstein

Jeff Epstein is a B2B marketer with 20+ years’ experience creating compelling messaging and content for sales enablement and demand generation. Having held roles with companies including IBM, General Motors, and Comm100, Jeff knows how to connect solutions to buyers.