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How to Deliver Better Customer Service with Comm100 Live Chat

Now more than ever, live chat is the channel of choice for communications between organizations and the customers they serve. In fact, over half of all customers prefer live chat to calling a company for support. With the ability to engage prospects and customers in real-time, live chat has become a must-have addition to a company’s customer experience strategy.

When rolled out correctly, live chat can be a powerful customer engagement tool. But how do you find a live chat solution that will scale to fit both your customer and business needs?

Cue Comm100. With Comm100 Live Chat you can:

Give Expert Answers in Real time

Your customers want expert answers to their queries in real-time. While most call center communication tools support transfers between departments, and between agents, being passed around from agent to agent can be infuriating. Even with interactive voice response (IVR) as a screening tool, customers may not know which bucket their query fits in and might still need to be transferred for their issue to be resolved.

Comm100 Live Chat’s robust routing capabilities easily overcome these challenges. As a visitor initiates a chat, they’re routed manually or automatically according to custom criteria as defined by your business.

Pre-chat surveys enable visitors to choose where their chat is routed from a predefined list of departments. Alternatively instead of relying on the visitor to manually choose a department, Comm100 routing capabilities can take care of heavy lifting.

Custom criteria are defined from either high level factors, like country and time zone, or can be more granular, like current page URL. Depending on the parent criteria, more conditions can be added, and then structured according to a hierarchy. High value chats defined by custom criteria will be distributed according to priority levels.

When visitors get quality, detailed answers on their first try, it builds long-term brand loyalty amongst customers. This First Call Resolution (FCR) provides big benefits for your business in terms of agency efficiency, increased top-line revenue, and customer retention.

Read more: Comm100 Live Chat Routing

Paint a More Complete Picture of Your Customers

When it comes to delivering exceptional customer service, knowledge is power. Your live chat solution should integrate seamlessly with your customer experience technology ecosystem. Comm100 integrates with key systems including leading eCommerce platforms, CRM, telephony, and content management systems. Our highly flexible API lets you transfer data to and from other systems in your IT ecosystem – opening up endless possibilities to create custom integrations that work the way you want.

Integrating live chat with a core tool like your CRM system streamlines lead management when chatting with new customers: agents get a comprehensive customer view that gives them the visibility and context they need to properly handle their queries. The more you know about your customers, the better you can serve them.

Our powerful Salesforce integration can give you this insight. This 360-degree view of the entire customer life cycle makes it easy to send targeted, highly personalized messages to your prospects and customers, while taking the manual work out of the equation. Each customer touchpoint is automatically logged in Salesforce, freeing up agents to deliver top-tier support.

When a chat is initiated, Comm100 can automatically detect whether the visitor is already in your Salesforce database. By identifying your returning customers, or “regulars”, your agents will provide more personalized service while also delivering more targeted follow-ups. With these personalized engagements at key stages of the customer journey, you can be there at just the right time and place to increase conversions and customer retention.

Prevent Unauthorized Access With Iron-clad Security

Security should be top of mind for businesses when looking at any technology investment. An enterprise-grade live chat provider should have an unwavering commitment to security through rigid security and privacy standards, strict data management practices and vertical specific compliances like HIPAA.

Comm100 Live Chat comes equipped with industry-leading security features, so you can deliver quality, real-time service to your customers knowing that your data is safe and secure. Rock-solid infrastructure that complies with top-tier standards including ISO 27001 and PCI DSS ensure that we deploy industry-leading security controls not just over our internal people and general operations, but also externally on software deployment and customer data protection. These measures ensure your customers’ sensitive data is well protected from unauthorized access.

Comm100’s best of breed application level security prevents your confidential business data from falling prey to online threats. All network communication in your live chat account is TLS encrypted to ensure account privacy and data integrity.

Agent permissions can be set all the way down to the department level, while activities are tracked and logged in an audit log to provide protection and accountability across the board. With these and other security measures put into place, you can trust Comm100 to keep your sensitive data safe.

Read more: Comm100 Live Chat Security Features and Practices


When it comes to making the most of your investment in live chat, Comm100’s features like robust routing, powerful CRM integration, and an unwavering commitment to security sets us apart. Learn how Comm100 can help maximize your live chat ROI.

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Lisa Dimyadi

About Lisa Dimyadi

Lisa is the Content Marketing Specialist at Comm100. She is passionate about writing, content creation and project management. In her spare time you can find her taking online courses or planning community events. Connect with her on LinkedIn.