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Announcing Comm100’s Live Chat Conversions—Track How Live Chat Drives Customer Conversions

Live chat is a perfect tool to help you drive and improve conversions. Research shows it can boost your conversion rate by up to 45% through allowing eCommerce firms and Marketing/Sales functions to smooth and speed up the buyer’s journey, resulting in more sales.

Now, with Comm100’s new Conversions feature, you can see exactly how your live chats increase your conversion rate, allowing you to demonstrate clear ROI from your live chat solution.

Our Conversions feature in Comm100 Live Chat is available to all our Enterprise customers on Cloud Servers. It allows you to track conversion actions, trace the chat that drives the conversion, and view conversion reports to help you optimize your conversion process.

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Conversions & Conversion Actions

According to Google Adwords, a conversion action is a specific customer action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business. It can be, for example, making a purchase, signing up an account, requesting a demo, or downloading a content offer. A conversion is achieved when the desired conversion action takes place.

Comm100’s Conversions feature also has this functionality, with the advantage of being accessible in one click from within your live chat reporting suite. It allows you to set up conversion actions, define conversion value, trace chats that drive the conversions, and view the conversion rate report. Let’s take a closer look at how it works.

Set Up Conversion Actions

To start tracking conversions, you’ll need to set up the actions which define and mark out a conversion for your business. Comm100 Live Chat allows you to track conversion actions in three different ways:

  • Current Page URL: when visitors arrive at a certain page, or pages, such as the checkout or payment successful page.
  • Custom Variable: when a custom variable reaches a certain value. For example, if you have a custom variable that defines the paying status of your visitors, you can create a conversion action when the custom variable is paying clients.
  • API: you can also transmit the conversion data to your Comm100 Live Chat account through our API.
set up conversion actions

Define Conversion Value

For each conversion action, you can define a conversion value, the dollar value of the action, or how much you consider the conversion is worth to you. This allows you to see the total value of your conversions in your report.

You can set a fixed value for the conversion action, or take the value from a mapped custom variable based on the scenarios. For example, you may decide to set a fixed value for non-paying actions, such as a whitepaper download; while for specific purchases, you will need the exact value from custom variables.

Trace Chats that Drive the Conversions

At the end of the day, you need to know which chat made each conversion happen. You can select whether it’s the first chat or the last chat your agents have with visitors that eventually leads to the conversion.

You can also enable an option so that only recent chats with a qualified number of visitor messages are valid for driving conversions, allowing you to filter out short or old chats which may not have contributed.

trace chats to conversions

The conversion data, including Conversation Action Name, Time and Value will be attached to the transcript of the chat that leads to the conversion. You can also record visitor information when the conversion action takes place, and add that information to chat transcripts. The information you can add includes:

  • Pre-Chat Fields
  • Custom Variables
  • Salesforce Account Fields (when Salesforce integration is enabled)
  • Salesforce Contact Fields (when Salesforce integration is enabled)

For example, if you are tracking a purchase, you can add the Order Number custom variable to trace the order to the conversion.

conversions in transcripts

View Conversion Reporting

The Conversion Report shows all achieved conversions, total conversion value, and live chat conversion rate. You can view the report by Time, Department, Agent, and Conversion Action to compare the performance in different time periods, among departments or agents, and between different conversion actions. This helps you understand your live chat ROI, and make better informed decisions about your chat performance.

Conversion Reporting

Want to Learn More?

We’re excited that you can now see the results of your hard work in converting customers through live chat! Please get in touch if you need any assistance setting up the conversion action, or analyzing your conversion rate.

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Kaye Chapman

About Kaye Chapman

Kaye is an internationally-experienced writer and trainer, and an MA graduate of University College London, the world’s #1 center for Education and Social Science. Kaye has worked with Fortune 500, governmental and private firms across the world to advance customer service operations and embed leading learning and development strategy. As a specialist in Contact Centers, Kaye is passionate about using technology and training to improve experiences for customers and employees alike. Connect with her on LinkedIn.