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Secure Your Live Chat With On-premise Deployment

When considering any technology investment, security and privacy are non-negotiable. No matter which support channels your business offers, keeping your confidential customer data safe and secure is top priority.

With stringent security requirements for industries like government, healthcare, and financial services coupled with rapidly changing customer expectations, companies need to strike a balance between providing accessible, real-time customer support and keeping user data private.

Comm100 Live Chat can meet all your security needs – our live chat software boasts simple implementation and a flexible on-premise deployment option that can be customized fit your unique business requirements.

Data Management

By storing data on the cloud, you are entrusting a third party with a key asset of your organization – confidential records of your user base. While convenient, this option may not be ideal for highly regulated industries whom have unique and stringent security requirements.

An on-premise deployment option gives organizations flexibility to keep customer data stored in their own secure environments. You have complete autonomy over the data management processes used for access of both the platform and your customer data.

Comm100 Live Chat can help businesses deliver real-time support to ensure customer inquiries are always answered, as quickly as possible. Protect customer data and other proprietary information by ensuring it never leaves your data center.

Security and Uptime

Cloud-based providers have direct control and autonomy over the security systems used to secure servers. Government organizations that choose an on-premise deployment can align live chat with any unique, industry specific security requirements that their organizations already comply with– enjoying the comfort of your own in-house security procedures.

Storing your data on the cloud involves relying on the vendor for notice of scheduled maintenances and outages. Downtime affects all hosted customers, requiring companies to plan around these obstacles.

By hosting Comm100 Live Chat in your environment you can control when scheduled maintenance and updates happen on your own time. If a server outage occurs for the provider, you can rest assured knowing that your instance is unaffected.

Comm100 Live Chat has the simplest user experience in the customer support market for customers, agents, and managers alike. With on-premise deployments, you can standardize security procedures across the board for all your support channels and deliver quality service to your customers knowing their data is secure.


Deploying Comm100 Live Chat on-premise gives businesses more control and autonomy over their live chat solution with features like a private IP address and a dedicated web application. As industries evolve and businesses grow to scale, their requirements may change. On-premise deployment gives government organizations the flexibility to scale and customize live chat in-house to your unique requirements.

By keeping data close to home, it can be accessed anytime and integrated into your tech ecosystem. An on-premise deployment offers you endless customization options to align your live chat solution into existing workflows.


Security conscious companies needs to be concerned with where and how data is stored and proceeded. Comm100 Live Chat provides the flexible online communication that highly regulated industries need to keep up with changing service standards, while keeping data secure. When considering live chat vendors, keep the option for on-premise deployment at the top of your business requirement list.

Powerful live chat software

Powerful live chat software

Offer real-time, personalized, efficient support that your customers and agents will love at 1/3 the cost of voice support.

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Comm100 Live Chat
Lisa Dimyadi

About Lisa Dimyadi

Lisa is the Content Marketing Specialist at Comm100. She is passionate about writing, content creation and project management. In her spare time you can find her taking online courses or planning community events. Connect with her on LinkedIn.