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Live Chat Resellers – Why You Should Choose Comm100

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already sold on the value of adding live chat to the list of technologies that you offer your clients. (If you’re not, will cover it quickly in this blog later). 

Now, you’ll be deciding which live chat vendor you should choose to partner with to help your clients take their customer service & support up a level. 

It’s an important decision that shouldn’t be rushed. There are a lot of considerations you need to weigh to make sure that you choose a live chat partner that aligns with your requirements and will support you from start to finish. You also want to be totally confident that you are recommending the best live chat software to your clients. 

Comm100 can help you deliver best-in-class technology to your clients. Resellers around the world partner with us to capitalize on the growth of live chat and digital customer communication, including companies like EY, IBM, Mphasis,, and Unima. (Check out more of our partners here

Before we begin, let’s quickly review the benefits of becoming a live chat reseller. 

Top 4 benefits of being a live chat reseller 

  1. Add an additional revenue stream to your product offering 
  2. Increase stickiness with clients and deepen relationships  
  3. Capitalize on the rapid growth of live chat as the most popular digital customer channel (and still rising!) 
  4. Align your company with industry-leading customer service experts. 

Why choose Comm100 Live Chat? 

1. Flexibility 

Configure Comm100 to work the way your customers want across desktop, browser, and mobile app on iOS and Android. From branding and configurable surveys to dynamic chats and routing, the personalization options are virtually endless with Comm100. Learn just some of the ways our customers are making Comm100 Live Chat their live chat. 

2. Intuitive & efficient interface 

Comm100  is built on a unified, centralized interface so agents can manage conversations on every channel from one platform. We call it omnichannel customer engagement, and it’s the pinnacle of customer service & support. 

3. Trusted by customers and partners 

Comm100 is proud to work with a growing global team of digital transformation pioneers and emerging experts across a range of verticals and territories. From Magento and Microsoft to IBM and Cisco, Comm100 is  trusted by household-name brands around the world. Come and join the team! 

4. Secure 

Comm100 puts customer security and privacy first, adhering to a wide range of compliances including ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, GDPR, and WCAG 2.0. Built-in security and privacy capabilities including SSO, IP restrictions, TLS encryption, data masking, granular password policies, and more satisfy even the strictest requirements. Find out more about Comm100’s security compliances here

5. Scalable 

Comm100’s cloud architecture allows companies to support thousands of concurrent agents, serving the needs of even the largest contact centers. You can start with a single channel and grow the customer service operations into a true omnichannel digital CS deployment at a pace that suits your customer’s needs. (We’re also one of the only vendors to offer live chat on-premise installation.) 

6. Integrated 

Our robust API, agent console extensions, Zapier layer, and many more integration tools help you connect to hundreds of other applications in your customers’ ecosystems to streamline workflows, improve productivity, and gain deep insight into their digital CS engagements. 

To find out more about Comm100’s live chat software reseller program, get in touch with our team today

Kate Rogerson

About Kate Rogerson

Kate is the Content Marketing Manager at Comm100. She has extensive experience in content creation for technology companies across the world, including the UK, Australia and Canada. She specializes in B2B messaging, branding and soccer trivia.