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How to Reduce Bounce Rate with Live Chat
August 14th, 2015 | Live Chat

Having a business website is like shouting through a bullhorn on Times Square. It is difficult to attract people’s attention through all of + Read More

4 Best Practices for Follow-Up Emails after Chat
August 12th, 2015 | Live Chat

By now, you probably already know that live chat can help increase conversions by gently nudging your website visitors forward through the sales + Read More

7 Live Chat Tips to Make It More Effective for Your Company
July 31st, 2015 | Live Chat

Once you’ve installed a live chat application on your website, you may think you’re ready to start accepting chat requests right away. Well, + Read More

How to Find the Best Live Chat Software
July 24th, 2015 | Live Chat

So, you’ve made the decision to install live chat software on your website. Great, you won’t regret it. After all, live chat software + Read More

[RFP Template] Live Chat Software Review Questions
July 4th, 2015 | Live Chat

The free template details the questions to ask and the feature requirements to include in a comprehensive live chat software RFP (Request for + Read More

5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Canned Messages
January 21st, 2015 | Live Chat

In the customer service industry, canned messages are pre-defined answers to frequently asked questions from customers. Many companies see canned messages as a + Read More

7 Live Chat Etiquettes to Boost Your Customer Satisfaction
December 12th, 2014 | Live Chat

People fall in love with a brand mostly because of the friendliness of customer service representatives. You would benefit a lot from happy + Read More

Add a Human Touch to Your Website through Live Chat
May 6th, 2014 | Live Chat

This is the fourth article in a five-part series on structuring your website for conversion. Part 1: The Art and Science of Product Grouping + Read More

How Are We Doing? Measuring Live Chat Effectiveness
March 13th, 2014 | Live Chat

This is the final segment in a four-part series of articles on creating a live chat strategy.  Part 1: Why Live Chat? Developing Strategies + Read More

Who Really Needs Assistance? Influencing the Choice to Live Chat
February 28th, 2014 | Live Chat

This is the third article in a four part series on creating a live chat strategy.  Part 1: Why Live Chat? Developing Strategies & + Read More

What Do Online Consumers Want? Meeting Live Chat User Expectations
February 20th, 2014 | Live Chat

This is the second article in a four part series on creating a live chat strategy.  Part 1: Why Live Chat? Developing Strategies & + Read More

Why Live Chat? Developing Strategies Goals
February 13th, 2014 | Live Chat

This is the first part in a four-part series of articles on how to create a dynamic live chat strategy.  Part 2: What Do + Read More

10 Ways to Increase Website Conversion Rates with Live Chat
December 18th, 2013 | Live Chat

While visitors always appreciate live chat as a means of requesting support, you can also increase conversions with live chat as it allows you to + Read More