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Comm100 Messaging Software – Live Chat, Messenger and Secure Messaging

Comm100 is a complete omnichannel platform that lets organizations provide the very best customer service and support with just one piece of software. From live chat and chatbots to social media and SMS, Comm100 Omnichannel integrates every key channel into one platform so customers can connect how they want, and companies can deliver efficient, cost-effective support. 

Comm100 also offers three types of messaging – Live Chat, Messenger and Secure Messaging. Each of these messaging software are embedded within the Comm100 platform. In this blog we will explain how each of these messaging software differ so you can find the right solution for you and your customers. 

Live Chat 

Comm100 Live Chat is a website messaging app that allows visitors to message support agents in real-time. When set up, a button is typically placed on the bottom right-hand corner of the website. Clicking this button opens a chat window and instantly connects the visitor with an agent for support, sales, technical help, or anything else they might need assistance with. 

With Comm100 Live Chat, you can also notify agents of website visitors that appear to need support, or automatically trigger messages to be sent to specific visitors. As well as instant messaging, Comm100 Live Chat also enables video and audio chat, screen sharing, file sharing, and auto-chat translation.  


Comm100 Messenger is an asynchronous communication channel in which participants on both sides of the conversation are free to start, pause, and resume conversational messaging. 

This allows organizations to offer round-the-clock service and make sure they don’t miss chats, while giving customers the flexibility to respond when it suits them. The customer doesn’t need to wait for an agent to come online and if they leave the chat, the conversation history remains visible to both parties when the customer returns. 

Secure Messaging 

Comm100 Secure Messaging is a cloud-based, secure communications and information management solution that enables secure real-time and anytime communication.

All customer conversations within Comm100 Secure Messaging are encrypted in transit and rest, decrypted for authorized parties only, and logged for compliance. Attachments and files can also be shared securely. This makes Secure Messaging the best option for organizations and industries that must comply with the highest security regulations.

The Similarities 

While these communication methods have important differences, they also share similar important features that help organizations deliver more efficient, secure, and helpful customer service. Here are just some of these features: 

  • Intelligent routing 
    Routing rules dictate which department or agent receives the message when a customer reaches out and a new ticket is created. These rules ensure that every message is automatically routed to the person best suited to handle the inquiry.  
  • Automation triggers 
    Triggers allow you to automatically update your tickets, or send automatic follow-up messages, based on pre-defined conditions. This enables faster and more consistent issue management. 
  • Credit Card Masking 
    When helping your customers place an order or dealing with a billing issue, your agents may need to ask a customer for their credit card information. Comm100’s credit card masking feature automatically hides credit card numbers that are shared between visitors and agents so sensitive data is always kept safe. 
  • Visitor Single Sign-On (SSO) 
    Visitor SSO gives your customers the option to sign into their account before chatting with you. This allows you to map your customer account information with Comm100 fields. This means your agents know who they are chatting to without having to get the customer to fill out a pre-chat survey or ask them introductory questions. This streamlines the conversation, speeds up resolution and improves customer satisfaction. 
  • SLAs 
    A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider and a client. It lays out the expectations by which that service is measured. Comm100 SLA policies ensure that your agents understand how to prioritize every customer request, while giving you the visibility you need to track and manage performance and keep customers satisfied. You can create different SLAs using conditions like channel, priority, and department so that SLA times reflect your service goals and promises. Green, yellow and red indicators also show the SLA status for each ticket so agents can quickly identify which tickets need attention first. 

To find out more about Comm100’s messaging software, get in touch with us today.  

Kate Rogerson

About Kate Rogerson

Kate is the Content Marketing Manager at Comm100. She has extensive experience in content creation for technology companies across the world, including the UK, Australia and Canada. She specializes in B2B messaging, branding and soccer trivia.