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“Next!” Top 5 Tips to Reduce Customer Service Wait Time
August 5th, 2020 | Customer Service

Only 35% of customers are willing to wait 30-60 seconds for a response on live chat. For today’s consumer fast support is non-negotiable, and long wait + Read More

Guest Blog – How Social Media Chatbots Can Help Businesses Target and Generate Leads
July 20th, 2020 | Chatbot

Mobile Marketer research found out that nearly 40% of millennials interact with chatbots regularly. As one would expect, an increasing number of business + Read More

Guest Blog – 8 Things Customer Service Teams Should Avoid During Sensitive Times
June 25th, 2020 | Customer Service

Guest blog – Nahla Davies is a software developer and tech writer. Before devoting her work full time to technical writing, she managed—among + Read More

When the Cloud Won’t Cut It: Deploying Self-hosted Live Chat Software
June 24th, 2020 | Live Chat

When considering any technology investment, security and privacy are non-negotiable. No matter which digital support channels your business offers, keeping your confidential customer + Read More

Why Agents Need Chatbots – and Chatbots Need Agents
June 15th, 2020 | Chatbot, Live Chat

Chatbots have come a long way in the past few years. The improvements in technology have enabled developers to expand on bot capabilities far beyond just functioning as a FAQ. Today, the automation of chatbots can process orders, perform financial transactions, make bookings, and much more. (Check + Read More

Why Your Live Chat Solution Needs Audio and Video
June 4th, 2020 | Live Chat

There is an abundance of stats on the internet revealing the popularity of live chat for customer service. It’s accessibility and speed meet today’s customer expectations and digital-first preferences. But while these stats are true, the figures don’t always tell the whole story. Why? Because + Read More

Top 5 KPIs Every Live Chat Manager Needs to Track
May 28th, 2020 | Live Chat

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measurements that show how effectively a company is achieving its goals. KPIs can be used to measure the + Read More

Omnichannel vs Multichannel Customer Support – How they Differ and Why it Matters
May 20th, 2020 | Omnichannel

Long gone are the days when customer service teams could offer just one communication channel to their customers. Today’s consumer wants choice. They want to decide whether to drop you an email, talk + Read More

Top Types of Customer Communication Channels
May 15th, 2020 | Customer Service

Customers are the lifeblood of your business, so it makes sense that they should also be the motivating factor behind any major business + Read More

Omnichannel Customer Support – a Shopping Checklist
May 13th, 2020 | Omnichannel

Research shows that companies with extremely strong omnichannel customer engagement retain on average 89 percent of their customers, compared to 33 percent for companies with weak + Read More

4 Reasons Why Omnichannel is Now Key to Customer Support
May 11th, 2020 | Omnichannel

Some sources claim that the concept of ‘omnichannel’ was coined in 2010. Others even further back in 2003. Whenever and however it began, omnichannel has never been more important, and it has now become crucial to successful customer experience (CX).  + Read More

A Checklist for Successful WFH Live Chat Teams
April 30th, 2020 | Live Chat

Most live chat teams around the world have found themselves working from home, possibly for the first time ever. And for many, they won’t be returning + Read More

5 Easy (and Effective) Routing Rules for Omnichannel
April 27th, 2020 | Omnichannel

In a truly customer-centric organization, the only real way to deliver cohesive digital support is with an omnichannel approach. True omnichannel platforms give agents visibility + Read More

CX Inspiration – A Q&A with Nate Brown, Co-Founder of CX Accelerator
April 26th, 2020 | Customer Experience

It wasn’t too long ago that the idea of a CX Specialist would cause many furrowed brows. Fast-forward today, and the concept of + Read More

Top 6 Articles – How to Set up Your Remote Customer Service Team for Success
April 7th, 2020 | Customer Service

Coronavirus has entirely changed the notion of working from home. Almost overnight, millions of people have been asked or ordered to leave the office and work remotely to + Read More

What is Omnichannel Customer Engagement?
April 6th, 2020 | Omnichannel

There aren’t many concepts that in the space of ten years have transformed from an unknown theory to an essential strategy that almost no brand can succeed without. We are of course, referring + Read More

How to Handle a Large Volume of Live Chats
March 23rd, 2020 | Live Chat

Ensuring that your customers can reach you in a click (or two) is crucial to offering great digital customer service and is what makes live chat such a popular customer support + Read More

AI Chatbots in the Contact Center – Help in a Crisis
March 19th, 2020 | Chatbot

In the past few weeks, I’ve been reaching out to contact center managers to find out what key problems have been brought on by the coronavirus + Read More