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This is What Exceptional Customer Service Looks Like In 2018
August 23rd, 2018 | Customer Service

It’s 2018, and customer expectations are changing faster than ever. Consumer patience is dwindling; we want better, more accessible products, and everything that + Read More

Addressing metrics gaps between bot-led and human-led service
August 21st, 2018 | Customer Service

The decision to take on chatbot customer service is an exciting one for companies. Like with any new initiative, there are a series + Read More

How to Design an Effective Live Chat Button
August 10th, 2018 | Live Chat

Live chat is an invaluable tool that can help you provide customers with real-time support. Clicking the chat button is the first touchpoint + Read More

What are the ‘Five Mys’ of Live Chat?
August 9th, 2018 | Live Chat

For a long time, people have been conducting studies and evaluating data in a bid to figure out how customers make decisions. Many + Read More

Best Customer Experience Articles from the Month of July 2018
August 1st, 2018 | Customer Experience

The picks on this month’s series of best CX Posts cover a wide variety of topics focused mostly on the future of customer + Read More

Comm100 is HIPAA Compliant: Protect Important Health Data with Comm100 Live Chat
July 31st, 2018 | Live Chat

As a live chat provider, we adhere to the highest standards across a range of privacy and security requirements such as ISO 27001, + Read More

Is Your Consumer Trust at Risk? Live Chat Can Help
July 19th, 2018 | Live Chat

When it comes to doing business in 2018, according to a current Forrester report, the trust of the modern consumer is at an + Read More

What Is Live Chat? How Is It Different from Instant Messenger?
July 16th, 2018 | Live Chat

When many people hear the word “chat” these days, they think of those little message windows on social networking websites like Facebook, Google+ + Read More

5 Top Customer Service Articles for the Month of June 2018
July 12th, 2018 | Customer Service

Continuing our series of the best customer service posts on the web from May, I’m going to look at some standouts from last + Read More

8 Reasons Why Your CIO Will Love Live Chat
July 10th, 2018 | Live Chat

Introduction Technology is changing many roles in business – even the roles of the people who are responsible for implementing it. As software + Read More

How to Improve Your CX Function Through Coaching
June 26th, 2018 | Customer Experience

With the World Cup in full swing, now is probably the perfect time to talk about one of the essential elements of any + Read More

Keynote Learnings from ICMI Expo 2018: Ernesto Salas, Disney Institute
June 19th, 2018 | Customer Service

Trade shows are a fantastic place to get up to date on all of the latest technology, best practices and ideas in your + Read More

Get Ready for The Shopping Season with These 10+ Tips
June 13th, 2018 | Customer Service

Introduction We’ve heard it so many times it’s become a cliché: “The early bird catches the worm.” For retailers, this old saying rings + Read More

5 Top Customer Service Articles for the Month of May 2018
June 13th, 2018 | Customer Service

Welcome to the first of a new series of monthly posts where I will be looking at the best of Customer Service, Customer + Read More

8 Ways that Live Chat is Boosting eCommerce Sales (And What You Can Do to Get in On It)
June 7th, 2018 | Live Chat

Introduction It’s 2018, and eCommerce is truly having its moment. Convenience, necessity, leisure, and the pursuit of better deals are just a handful + Read More

Intelligent, Personalized & Helpful: Take a Look at Our Chatbot Developments
June 5th, 2018 | News & Updates

It’s no secret that automation is changing how we work and live. From self-driving cars, to buying groceries through Alexa, artificial intelligence solutions + Read More

Contact Center AI – What’s out there?
June 5th, 2018 | Contact Center

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is undoubtedly a buzzword that’s been around for a while. From the early days of Science Fiction and Kubrick’s groundbreaking + Read More

10 Undeniable Dangers of Free Live Chat Apps
May 16th, 2018 | Live Chat

“Free” is one of the most powerful sales words of all times. From our attraction to free shipping to our draw to Buy + Read More