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Chatbot Now Provides Personalized Account Information to Your Customers!

Since the launch of our Chatbot, we’ve had some great feedback from our clients on how it’s helped them to save resource by automating basic customer queries.

One piece of feedback we’ve received is that Chatbot could be even more useful if it could access a database of customer-specific information to supply information like order numbers, account details and billing information.

In response to this, we’ve launched a further improvement to our Chatbot – allowing the bot to use Webhooks to retrieve and supply customer information from a database.

This means Chatbot can now automatically handle a number of queries that previously, could only be handled by agents.

Some examples of customer questions you can now set up Chatbot to answer include:

  • What was the amount of my last bill?
  • What is the tracking number for my order?
  • What’s my shipping address?
  • What type of card do you have on file for me?
  • When is my next payment due?
  • What date will my order be delivered?
  • What telephone number do you have on my record?
  • When did you receive my last payment?
  • What’s my billing date?

There’s huge advantages in allowing your Chatbot to answer these questions. These are queries that are simple for human agents to answer, requiring a quick look at the right customer information screen. Being able to tell Chatbot where to look for this information means that your agents can concentrate on dealing with more complex queries, saving you valuable resource and allowing these queries to be wrapped up quickly and easily.

Let’s explore how you can set up Chatbot to answer these questions.

1. Access the Questions Database and Set up a Question

Log into your Comm100 portal, click on Chatbot Question Base then click on Questions. Type the question you want Chatbot to answer into the Standard Question box.

Set Chatbot Webhook


2. (Optional) Set up Similar Questions

Help your Chatbot identify questions which are like the standard question by clicking on Similar Questions.

For example, for the question “What was the amount of my last bill?” you may also want to set up “How much was my last bill?” or “How much did I pay on my last bill?” as similar questions.

3. (Optional) Set up Related Questions

Related questions allow Chatbot to deliver additional answers that may also be helpful for your customers.

For example, for the question “What was the amount of my last bill?” you may also want to set up “When did you receive my last payment?” and “What’s my billing date?” as related questions.

4. Click on “Webhook” and Enter the Webhook URL

Enter in the URL where the Webhook information can be found. For help with this, you can also click on the knowledge base article, “Data sent to your web application”.

The Webhook relies on your web application to get the relevant information from the database, generate an answer and pass the answer back to the chat console.

5. That’s it!

Now, when your Chatbot has high confidence in an answer being supplied, Chatbot will reference your own database to provide helpful, personalized information to your customers.

Finally, with this release we’ve also included an extra improvement. Chatbot now has the ability to open links sent to visitors in either the current window or a new browser window or tab.

This means you can either choose to open links for visitors in the current window, removing the need to go back and forth between the chatbot page and the information provided – or you can open up links in a new tab, improving the flow of their chat experience.

Open Link in New or Current Window

We’re excited to see how our customers use these new features, so please get in touch if you need any assistance setting up or implementing these – our team are on hand to help you.

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Kaye Chapman

About Kaye Chapman

Kaye is an internationally-experienced writer and trainer, and an MA graduate of University College London, the world’s #1 center for Education and Social Science. Kaye has worked with Fortune 500, governmental and private firms across the world to advance customer service operations and embed leading learning and development strategy. As a specialist in Contact Centers, Kaye is passionate about using technology and training to improve experiences for customers and employees alike. Connect with her on LinkedIn.