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Comm100 Blog Top 20 Content

Roundup: Top 10 Content Pieces of 2019

Ah, the end of another year. It’s a time for reflecting on the recent past and thinking forward to what the new year might bring as you sip a hot beverage and gaze out a window into the cold. At Comm100, we look back at which of our content pieces were the most popular and think about what this tells us about trends in customer experience, conversational AI, and support centers in 2019.

Sit back and scroll through as we serve you treats from this year.

1. Report: 2019 Live Chat Benchmark Report

Whether you’re embarking on a live chat project for the first time, or you’re wondering how your program is doing, this report is a great way to see how you stack up against others in your industry and stay ahead of the curve. With year-over-year data since 2016 from billions of interactions and commentary from experts, it’s no wonder this is always one of our most popular pieces.

Keep an eye out for the 2020 Live Chat Benchmark Report coming out in January or subscribe and be the first to get it.

2. Webinar: AI and Bots: Are you ready? Demystifying chatbots and AI

AI and chatbots were a huge theme this year, but there’s a lot of conflicting and confusing information out there. To feed the hungry appetite of interest in this topic and separate fact from fiction, this webinar examines what the different kinds of AI and bot technologies are available and how to practically get started. We predict 2020 will see even more interest and adoption of bots!

3. Whitepaper: Supercharge your agents with Intelligent Assistance

Customer-facing chatbots aren’t the only way to use AI in the contact center. This whitepaper on how to make your agents’ lives easier with a built-in intelligent assistant was wildly consumed. We predict that in the heat of AI adoption in 2020, organizations will realize that it is the combination of humans and bots that will really make their customer experience shine. 

4. Slide Share: Customer Contact Week Digital’s Disruptive Technology Review of Live Chat

Live chat isn’t exactly a new channel, and CCW Digital reported that it’s a technology ripe with the potential to be disrupted. This slide share summarizes their key findings on how late adopters can transform their customer experience by adding live chat to their CX mix and how those who’ve been using live chat for years can up their game with the most modern capabilities they didn’t know they were missing, but soon won’t be able to live without.

5. Calculator: Live Chat ROI Calculator

At first, we were surprised at how popular this interactive live chat ROI calculator is, given how many organizations already use live chat. But then we remembered that people want to know that they are getting the right results from their current solution, not only looking for the first time, and the personalized downloadable report is a great way to show value to your team. (Our chatbot ROI calculator is handy too!)

6. Infographic: How to choose the best kind of chatbot for your business

Similar to #2, the buzz about chatbots and the confusion about what they are, what they can do, and how to choose the best one for your business prompted this piece. The infographic features playful caricatures of three types of bots: B.O.B., K.R.I.S., and S.A.M., and clearly defines key related terms like decision trees, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and sentiment analysis.

7. eBook: Chatbot Success: How to save time, money, & effort in customer interactions

You want to know how much time and money chatbots can save you, whether it’s worth the investment, and if so, how you can create a chatbot from scratch. It’s no wonder why this eBook from 2018 remained one of Comm100’s most popular pieces this year. Less people are wondering, “to bot, or not to bot?”, and instead have started asking, “how to bot?”

8. eBook: Know Before You Bot: Straight answers to the most important questions about getting started with chatbots

The answer to your calls! This ebook, as you might have surmised from the title, gives straight answers to the top 10 questions we get (or should get) from our customers every day about how to get started with their first chatbot. A checklist is provided, so get your pencil ready! If you’re lacking ideas of how to take advantage of a chatbot, these slide shares on the top 15 ways to use a chatbot in Healthcare and Banking might help.

9. eBook: 101 Ready-to-Use Live Chat Scripts

Whether you’re trying to make your customer service agents more efficient, your sales team more productive, or you’re training a chatbot, live chat scripts and best practices are in high demand. We put together just 101 of them to get your bases covered, but if we work together – well, there’s more where that came from! You can also take a page from one of our customers’ books to learn from the best. (Yeah, we’re pretty proud of them.)

10. Video: Comm100 Product Tours

You’ve got to see it to believe it. The interest that we’ve seen throughout the year in chatbots, intelligent assistance, and disruptive ways of using live chat has not only manifested in consuming content about how to measure ROI, use best practices, and get started. People want to see it in action, and besides becoming one of our many new customers this year, this series of short videos will allow you to do just that.

Jeff Epstein

About Jeff Epstein

Jeff Epstein is a B2B marketer with 20+ years’ experience creating compelling messaging and content for sales enablement and demand generation. Having held roles with companies including IBM, General Motors, and Comm100, Jeff knows how to connect solutions to buyers.