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Comm100 Live Chat

Comm100 Customer
Since December 2018

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The Organization

Getin Noble Bank is one of the ten largest banks in Poland in terms of total balance sheet. It serves individual clients, small and medium-sized enterprises, local governments, housing associations and large corporations. The bank has a network of over 300 branches and franchise outlets, and regularly leads in the most important rankings for quality of retail banking customer service.

The Numbers

    –  500 live chats a month
    –  4.5/5 CSAT Rating
    –  10 seconds wait time

The Challenge

1.  Adapt to today’s digital consumer expectations by improving speed and ease of communication

Getin Noble Bank (GNB) was faced with the common challenge of updating their customer communication strategy to meet today’s consumer expectations. Some of their customers were content with connecting with the bank through phone or visiting the branch. However, GNB’s Bartlomiej Tarnacki, their Senior Specialist, Contact Center, recognized that the vast majority of customers wanted a more accessible and faster channel to reach out on.

Bartlomiej also knew that phone and branch visits were very time-consuming for their agents too, which was impacting wait times, and so damaging the overall customer experience.

2.  Target younger demographic

Getin Bank has a vast target market of all ages and demographics, but they recognized that they were struggling to connect with the younger audience who were less open to contacting the bank via phone or branch.

They knew that to remove this barrier to engagement, they had to offer this audience a digital communication channel that they were so accustomed to and have come to expect from any brand they interact with.

3.  Find a solution with strict security, compliance, and on-premise deployment

Getin Bank is entrusted with personally identifiable information (PII) of every customer and client nad so must comply with a number of tight financial regulations. As a result, any technology they chose to implement had to have the highest standards of security and compliance to keep their customers’ data safe, and privacy protected.

In line with this, GNB also needed to find a solution that could be deployed on-premise to comply with their industry’s strict data regulations.

The Results

Getin Noble Bank works with Unima 2000 to receive advice and support in advanced IT solutions, processing systems, ICT technologies, and data analysis. After understanding their challenges and goals, Unima recognized that all of GNB’s key problems could be solved by offering live chat on their website.

As a partner of Comm100 since December 2018, Unima knew that Comm100 Live Chat had all the capabilities and features to deliver on every one of GNB’s requirements, and so recommended the software to them.

Impressed by its features and the support they received, Getin Bank implemented Comm100 Live Chat, and are now enjoying these results:

1.  Faster communication with improved CSAT

The impact of Comm100 Live Chat was instantly noticeable across their customer service operations. By offering live chat, their customers now receive quicker responses and shorter resolution times compared to phone. This has been made possible by the fast, real-time nature of live chat, as well as supporting agent tools such as canned messages, shortcuts, and file sharing.

Getin Noble Bank also takes advantage of Comm100’s pre-chat surveys that allow them to collect information about the customer before the chat begins, streamlining the conversation and helping the agents to provide more personalized support. The pre-chat surveys also ensure the customer is directly routed to the department that can best resolve their issue, as opposed to being transferred between phone agents, increasing resolution time and irritating the customer.

This has collectively resulted in wait times dropping to only 10 seconds, and an overall improvement in customer experience. GNB’s live chat customer satisfaction now stands at an impressive 4.5 out of 5.

2.  Connecting with a previously unreachable younger audience

By offering live chat, Getin Noble Bank is now connecting with a younger demographic which they were previously struggling to do so just through phone, email, or in branch communication.

The accessible and digital nature of live chat has provided GNB with a direct channel to communicate with this young demographic, and their market audience has expanded significantly as a result.

“We really wanted to find a way to connect with a younger demographic, and live chat has given us exactly this. The channel is so popular among these ages because they are digital-first and they love how easily and quickly they can ask us a question, get the answer, and get on with their day. Even better, they can chat with us via their mobile, removing yet another barrier to engagement.”

Bartlomiej Tarnacki, Senior Specialist, Contact Center

3.  Total security and privacy for their customers

Comm100 Live Chat leads its industry in security and privacy, offering all of the major certifications and compliances that financial organizations like Getin Noble Bank require to keep their customers’ data and privacy safe, and also gain their trust.

Comm100 Live Chat is PCI DSS compliant, providing a Secure Form and credit card masking to ensure customers’ sensitive financial information sent through the chat window is secure in line with the highest industry standards. All data within Comm100 Live Chat is also encrypted through HTTPS protocols using the TLS encryption 1.2, and Getin Noble Bank has set up IP restrictions to safeguard against internal and external unauthorized access.

As a polish organization and a member of the EU, Getin Noble Bank also must abide by GDPR. Comm100’s whole platform is fully GDPR compliant, so Getin Noble Bank can be confident they are operating in accordance with all current EU standards.

Lastly, but crucially, Comm100 Live Chat is deployed on-premise so GetIn Noble Bank can meet their security requirements and have full control of the software on their servers.

The Highlights

A more personalized service

“Comm100 Live Chat allows us to offer far more personalized support to our customers. The platform gathers information about each customer, including chat history. Our agents can take a look at these previous conversations to help them provide helpful and quick support. On top of this, we have integrated the live chat platform with our CRM system so our agents can access even more information about the customer they are chatting to. It’s really taken our customer support up a gear and gives our agents the ability to engage with our customers on another level.”
– Bartlomiej Tarnacki

Fantastic agent usability & improved agent experience

“It’s really important for us that our agents enjoy their work, and we know the technology they use is crucial to this. We’re very glad to say that we have only received positive feedback from our agents using Comm100 Live Chat, and it’s really improved the agent experience. They find it very easy to use and really appreciate the tools they can use to improve the speed and efficiency of their work.”
– Bartlomiej Tarnacki

Easy-to-configure platform

Our managers are also very pleased with the software because they can make configurations to the software without needing advanced IT skills, and we don’t need to undergo any application or server reboots.”
– Bartlomiej Tarnacki

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