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Modern Tools for Today’s Enrollment Challenges

Redefining Admissions with the Human-Bot Harmony

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The Open University logo
Thompson Rivers University logo
University of Canberra logo
McMaster University logo
University of Houston logo

The Human-Bot Harmony Success Kit is a set of three resources designed to help you navigate the evolving landscape of student recruitment and enrollment.

Combining People and Tech for Better Results

Human-bot Harmony in Student Recruitment & Admissions

  • Tips to tackle student engagement issues
  • How AI can help with communication
  • Strategies to use humans and bots together
  • Ways to stand out from other schools
  • Keeping AI use safe and smart
Human-Bot Harmony Admissions Webinar Banner

Improve Your Admissions with AI

admissions handbook

The Admissions Handbook

Enhancing the Enrollment Funnel with Human-Bot Collaboration

Our guide looks at the challenges schools face and shows how using humans and bots together can help. Learn how to boost applications, get more students to enroll, and cut costs.

Your Guide to Better Enrollment

A Quick Check on Your Admissions Process

Higher Ed Admissions Tech Health Check

Is your team making the most of every student interaction? Our short quiz gives feedback on where you’re strong and where you can do better.

Fine-tune Your Admissions Approach

A Quick Check on Your Admissions Process

Higher Ed Admissions Tech Health Check

Is your team making the most of every student interaction? Our short quiz gives feedback on where you’re strong and where you can do better.

Fine-tune Your Admissions Approach

Explore a fresh approach to admissions. Try our Human-Bot Harmony Success Kit and discover new solutions for today’s challenges.