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Features | Integrations

GoToMeeting Integration

Comm100 Live Chat GoToMeeting Integration allows you to share screens with your visitors and provide remote assistance during chatting. Using live chat and GoToMeeting can help take your customer service and visitor satisfaction levels to new highs with better support and increased sales.

Launch GoToMeeting from Your Chat Console

Launch GoToMeeting from Your Chat Console

The integration between Comm100 Live Chat and GoToMeeting enables you to launch GoToMeeting directly from your chat console. Whenever you launch GoToMeeting within Comm100 Live Chat, the visitor you’re chatting with receives a link automatically, inviting him/her to join a screen sharing session immediately.

View Visitor's Screen

View Visitor’s Screen

Enabling visitors to show their screens during chats helps you provide expert, detailed assistance with problems or product guidance. For instance, you can ask a visitor to show you a particular problem and help him/her out with step-by-step instructions as you monitor the process in real time. This type of interaction helps you pinpoint issues faster, and guide visitors to resolutions in a faster, more efficient manner.

Show Your Screen to Visitor

Show Your Screen to Visitor

Showing your screen to your visitors lets you walk them through fixing problems, using products, displaying webpages, documents or any other information you’d like to show them. Visual walkthroughs save you time versus long explanations and increase visitor confidence in your company.

Remotely Control Visitor's Keyboard and Mouse

Remotely Control Visitor’s Keyboard and Mouse

The integration also allows you to request control of a visitor’s keyboard and mouse. Once the visitor grants you permission, you can control his/her mouse and keyboard to troubleshoot or correct problems quickly, demonstrate features or provide visual instruction.

How to Integrate Comm100 Live Chat with GoToMeeting

To get started, simply enable the integration and enter your GoToMeeting account information in Comm100 Live Chat; after that, you’re ready to go.

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