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Features | Personalization

Visitor Single Sign-On (SSO)

Visitor Single Sign-On (SSO), based on SAML protocol, allows you to map your customer account information with Comm100 fields, and synchronize the information from your login system to Comm100 Live Chat when your customer starts a chat.

With Visitor Single Sign-On, you can get customers’ account details without having them fill out a pre-chat survey, or asking them to provide the information while chatting. This streamlines the chat process, and thus improves customer experience.

User Sign-In Before Chatting

You can define whether or not your customers need to sign into their accounts with you before having a chat. Three sign-in options are available to satisfy different business requirements.

Comm100 Single Sign On No Sign In

No Sign-In

Your customers and visitors can start chatting with you right after clicking on your chat button, or after filling out your pre-chat survey (if you have pre-chat survey enabled).



Give your customers and visitors the choice to log into their accounts or chat as a visitor when initiating a chat. Logged in customers will skip the pre-chat survey, while the non-logged in visitors need to fill out your pre-chat survey before chatting.



Your customers and visitors are required to log in prior to chatting. If a visitor doesn’t have an account with you, he/she will not be able to access help through live chat. This option helps you automatically keep out ineligible visitors if your live chat is exclusive for customers with accounts.

Comm100 Live Chat Varible Mapping

Map Your Account Data with Comm100 Fields

You can map your customer account information with the following Comm100 Live Chat fields as needed.

  • System fields in your pre-chat survey – Country/Region, State/Province, City, Time Zone, Language
  • Custom fields in your pre-chat survey
  • Custom variables set up in your account
Comm100 Live Chat Varible in Agent Console

Customer Account Information in Agent Console

After your customer logs in and starts a chat, you can see his/her account information in the mapped fields of the Pre-Chat and Custom Variable sections. Additionally, the ID of the customer in your account system is also displayed in the Info tab, next to his/her name. You can use the ID to search for any additional information when needed.

Comm100 Live Chat Custom Variiable For Chat Routing

Create Custom Chat Routing Rules

You can use the mapped fields to create custom chat routing rules. For example, every customer in your account system has a membership level, and customers of the different levels in your company are served by different teams. You can then map the membership level information with a Comm100 Live Chat field, and then create a rule to send your customers to the right team.

Comm100 Search History with SSO ID

Search for Chat Transcripts with Customer ID

The ID of a customer in your account system is saved to the chat transcript when a chat session ends. You can use the ID as a filter in the History section to quickly find the past chats that occurred between you and the customer.

[White Paper] Visitor Single Sign-On

This white paper introduces the benefits and capabilities Visitor SSO can bring to you and also includes a step-by-step guide to help you quickly set it up.

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