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Comm100 Training Services

Comm100 User Training

Fast, effective training for agents, managers and more

Scroll down to read more, or click the button below to download our Training PDF

Training designed for you

We offer full training packages to help you learn not just how to use our software, but to provide you all the advice and tips you’ll need to get 100% from it.

What type of training does Comm100 provide?

Our team excel at producing customised training to fit your budget, team size, and accommodate the different phases of your live chat or omnichannel communicates rollout.

we can deliver live online training or self-paced courses for any number of different employee group:

  • Agents
  • Managers, supervisors or senior agents
  • System Administrator
  • Quality Assessors
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 split roles
  • Reporting and continuous improvement training for VPs and C-Suite, and more

“Comm100 did a great job training our staff. I felt the ‘pre-training’ that management completed enabled us to have a great agent specific training. The agent specific training is great because often too much non-specific information is given, and people tend to lose sight of what they need to learn.”

– Previous training attendee

Best practice advice, by default

When you’re learning a new piece of software for the first time, learning where to navigate to and what to click is one piece of the puzzle.

But learning highly configurable software like ours often requires more than that alone.

We aim to give you examples of how a particular feature could be configured, explain why it’s useful, what the pros and cons of a configuration are, and how your goals could be achieved through working with our software in different ways.

Lifelong learning

The training you receive at the start of your journey with us is only the beginning. As our software improves and grows, you’ll receive all the resources you need to improve and grow with it.

In 2022, Comm100 customers gave our training a 99% satisfaction score

Download the PDF to find out more
