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Omnichannel customer service for retail and eCommerce

From conversation to conversion to cash

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44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while purchasing is one of the most important features a website can offer.

Many online retailers spend countless hours and dollars driving visitors to their website, but overlook the simplest means of increasing conversions once they’re there. Live chat for eCommerce and retail is the answer, and unifying this with your ticketing and messaging systems is the icing on the cake.

A study conducted by Forrester Research reveals that “around 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer.” Most online retailers spend countless hours and dollars driving visitors to their website, but overlook the simplest means of increasing conversions once they’re there. Live chat for eCommerce and retail is the answer, and unifying this with your ticketing and messaging systems is the icing on the cake.

Comm100 Customers - Viata

“There were many chat providers out there but the quality just wasn’t there. What we liked about Comm100 was their hands-on approach, fast and easy sales process, plus the ability to get a demo environment customized to the way we wanted it ourselves. The platform offered everything we wanted and more.”

– Gianni De Gaspari, Co-founder of Viata

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Convert more shoppers

For many shoppers, the urge to buy can be fleeting. Simple website issues or unanswered questions lead to abandoned carts. Studies show cart abandonment rates to be between 55-80% depending on the source. But no matter how you look at it, that’s more than half.

Ecommerce live chat software lets you provide quick and easy support to your site visitors to stop them from bouncing. A simple “How can I help you?” message paired with a friendly chat button can be enough to convert more visitors into customers.

Convert more shoppers
Decrease cart abandonment

Decrease cart abandonment

Every year, trillions of dollars are left in abandoned shopping carts. In fact, more than two-thirds of consumers abandon shopping carts after adding one or more products. Whether from a lack of clear navigation, concerns around payment security, or product questions that go unanswered, the losses are staggering.

With live sales chat on your website, agents are ready to engage with customers at the moment of truth, to help them navigate the speed bumps to the checkout page – and better still, they can proactively reach out to give them the final, personalized nudge they need to convert.

Keep customers coming back for more

A report by ICMI found that website visitors that engage with online retailers via live chat are worth 4.5x more than visitors who don’t. Why? Because they spend more money and keep coming back for more.

Customer experience is as important as the product or service you are selling. A positive shopping experience with personalized, accessible support creates loyal customers.

Keep customers coming back for more
Customers love live chat

Support on the channels they want

The stats are in and live chat wins again! Study after study show that live chat beats other communication channels thanks to immediacy of response, customers’ ability to multitask, and overall customer satisfaction.

Customers increasingly expect to be able to contact businesses in a way that’s fast, easy and convenient for them. Adding live chat to your website is a simple way to keep customers happy.

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Live Chat Benchmark Report 2024

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How Viata uses Comm100 Live Chat to disrupt the online pharmacy industry with real-time customer service

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